Blog from San Diego, CA

After 20+ hours I arrive in San Diego from Colombia!
Enjoying a cold Pacifico with my bro Pablo. Good to be home!

After 20+ hours I arrive in San Diego from Colombia!
Enjoying a cold Pacifico with my bro Pablo. Good to be home!
Greetings from sunny n warm San Diego! In flip flops n short in wintertime. Dig it!
My 9-country South American tour is officially over and happy memories are swimming in my head and heart. Very grateful for all the people and opportunities that came my way in the last 10 months. Pictures are worth a thousand words so I'll let them do the talking as I head out to surf at sunset here in SD! There's some exciting news in there too! Colombia was full of surprises! Enjoy!
My 9-country South American tour is officially over and happy memories are swimming in my head and heart. Very grateful for all the people and opportunities that came my way in the last 10 months. Pictures are worth a thousand words so I'll let them do the talking as I head out to surf at sunset here in SD! There's some exciting news in there too! Colombia was full of surprises! Enjoy!
Big love!