I chillin’ in the 5-star Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino after a glorious first week in Canada. I could not have asked for a better start to my last international country Peace Pedaling. Country 81 started off with a perfect reuniting of FOUR Canadian Peace Pedalers I met on FOUR different continents! Yep, I lucked out to be hosted first night in Canada by Vanessa I met in USA in 2003 and her boyfriend Rob on their waterfront crib. Vanessa and I rode together in Africa in 2006.Then had a super chill Sunday brunch with the 2nd partner in crime Kellie I met in Korea who came over for Sunday Brunch on the water followed by dinner with the 3rd Peace Pedaler met in Africa named Natalie. What a weekend!
Natalie hosted me up I Whistler where I reconnected with my childhood troublemaker Dave Marion and family. Natalie could not resist when I told her I was cycling up the Sunshine Coast and worked some magic in her schedule to do a 2-day ride up to see the 4th Canadian Peace Pedaler Eilish who I met on my European tour in Wales. Eilish’s parents hosted Natalie and I and I stayed hunkered down there waiting for a storm to pass three nights until pedaling two days to Tofino where I just happened to meet the managers of Tofino’s finest hotel and they agreed to host me here while I soak up some surf, salt air and delicious mother nature. Eilish will be riding with me down the coast to Victoria later in the week.
Honestly, I’ve stayed in 5-star hotels before but NEVER like this. This is MY KIND of 5-star since I stare at the best breaks in Canada out my huge window and listen to the surf pound all night long! I can even take a bath and hear and see the waves! If you ever come to Tofino and want to treat yourself to a taste of luxury perfectly balanced with nature this is it. A few days of this and I’ll pedaling out like a cannon ball.
Yes, that's the surf break just outside the window!
The Canadians are just as friendly in the country as they are out on the road. I have to say I’ve met the most gracious, kind, outgoing and genuine folks here than my whole trip (a few countries in Europe are close runner ups ;)). Everywhere I go I am stopped, greeted with a smile and people are just so eager to make sure I’m okay and, of course, curious what this bike is all about.
I’m loaded to the brim with gratitude and peace. Looking forward to seeing my crew soon in the States!
Big ups from paradise!