Rocking in Niger
Quick update here folks from Niamey, Niger. I just recorded
two of Niger's most exciting and soulful musicians at the
Grand Hotel on the Niger river at sunset--huge success, great
quality recording and video, and we all had a
blast. The artists were very happy to hear a studio quality recording of
themselves as they simply don't have real good studios here
and they are a fortune for them. A triple win--win for them,
win for you future viewers of the show, and win for me who
hopes to make a living from all this hard work :)
I said goodbye to my hosts for one week Sascha and Judith and
decided to give them some space while I continue my
fundraising campaign from Niger with a goal to raise enough
cash this year to take me all the way to 2009 in N. America.
I'm working my tail off--12-15 hours a day on the net,
PowerPoint proposals going out to sponsors, website,
newsletters, fundraising party, video editing/screening
project, filming, planning, etc. But it's all flowing from
within and a power greater than me is driving me so it's not
really work, just life.
My plan is to be riding in next 48 hours or so with all the
wheels turning and balls up in the air so I can catch them
when I get to Mali, readjust, and toss more up till Burkina
Faso then Ghana then USA for the real show. Exciting times
now, this is my life--gotta take care of the adminstration to
make this show go on to the end!
Big love to ya all from Niger!