After an emotional roller coaster re-entry I'm settled into my life back on the road here in Africa! I have to say that I got quite spoiled and way too comfortable on my last trip to the USA and when I returned to the heat, pollution, physical and mental challenges, and long distance from those I love I struggled for several days. But I'm happy to say I'm rolling on happily after an amazing 5 day expedition from Busua Beach to Accra.
Ghana was actually the best re-entry country as it is mostly English speaking and pretty civilized. But with the "prosperity" of West Africa's leading industrial nation comes way too many cars! The road along the coast was one of the most challenging I've experienced with all the traffic and little or no shoulder, but I made it alive and well! Add to that that Harmatan headwind winds bringing in dust from the Sahara desert into my lungs with all the pollution and heat and you get my drift...
But wow, the Ghanaian people are beyond amazing. My hosts Kwame and Gina were so gracious and supported me all the way with daily calls and we could not wait to see each other again! The hospitality of the locals here is truly amazing, and you feel embraced and celebrated every day.
After a few tough days emotionally I eventually grew stronger, more open, more tolerant and ready to rock the country. I rode with about 12 people along my route, and made some friendships that will last a lifetime no doubt! I was also able to watch Ghana go all the way to the Semi finals of the Africa Cup and root the team on to a 3rd place finish. I was a bit rusty on my filming and hosting skills, but it all came together in the end and we captured some truly awesome moments and great interviews from some truly wise and conscious Ghanaian folks.
So after celebrating my 36th birthday with Kwame, Gina and dozens of new friends here in Ghana I'm finally off tomorrow to Togo where I'm blessed to have more people waiting for me there to show me the unique and exciting culture barely touched by the western world. And then it's back to Benin to finally do some riding there and, of course, meet up with my bros Hugo and crew for some more surfing!
I feel blessed to have this opportunity to be here and share all this with you guys. I know it sounds scary to head into Africa, but if you can face the fears, Ghana is a great "Ghana for Beginners" you will love it! North American Air has direct flights from JFK so it's pretty darn painless :)
Over and out for now!
Live Big. Give Big :)
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