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    Tuesday, June 19, 2007

    this came in from a fellow world traveler regarding my expereince with Gift in Malawi:

    I have struggled with this throughout my travels.  It is quite an
    interesting subject. It is so hard to look at things from a different
    perspective. It has been explained to me, and this may not be the case
    in Africa, but I would guess it is, that culturally it is expected that
    if you are one that HAS, you will share, willingly and happily. That
    simple. Those that have share, those that don't just ask for and get
    what they need from those that have. Completely different from our
    culture. It goes way back in time to early indigenous, native cultures
    where everyone was one family, one village and they all took care of
    each other as family. Tough for us to comprehend coming from a world
    where "mine" is one of the first words kids learn to say.

    I like perspective!


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